Monday, 21 November 2016

Breyer Review: Halloween Horse Poltergeist

Hi all!

I have another Breyer review for you, this time it is the 2016 Breyer Halloween horse; Poltergeist!

So as this is a decorator I won't have my breed history or standards sections but just jump straight into the model!

The Model

So this model is on the male version of the Ruffian mould. He is flat black with 'unique pinto markings' that look like flames going up his legs and a demon-skeleton that is riding on the model's back, he also has a bald face. He is one of 3,000 and glows in the dark (how cool!!)

Firstly I will go over in more detail his markings (as they are his main feature and very impressive!)

So here is some photos of my Poltergeist so you can see in detail the markings I will be talking about. So starting from the legs and working our way up, his back legs have a semi-flame like design in the white markings that are (at least on my model) very crisp, I had my doubts if Breyer would pull this design off well as it is so intricate but it seems to have been executed very well! I haven't heard any complaints about this guy so I believe in general his markings have been successfully done.

Then of course there is the demon on his back, my first thoughts from the original photos released by Breyer that the demon only had one head but it turns out it has a head on either side of the horse. This is a very cool and creepy design but also helps out those who are into showing as you can still choose either side to present to judges at a show without losing any of his design.

Unfortunately my camera could not pick up his glow in the dark feature, but like Ichabod he really does glow! It's very eye catching and isn't just a faint glow he really shines!! I love this added feature as it makes his already cool design stand out even more.

He also has in orange letters Halloween 2016 printed on his stomach, this gives him a nice collect-ability aspect (as if you're like me) now you can start collecting all the Halloween horses!

So in conclusion I would say if you are a fan of Halloween or cool decorators definitely pick this guy up. He has a unique design that is pulled off very well and would make a great addition to anyone's collection.

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